.Savvyy' easy returns & exchanges policy is hassle-free and simple. You need to return/exchange a product within 7 days. Return/Exchange products should be worth more than Rs.200.

Cancellation Policy

  • If the order or the item(s) that you want to cancel have not been shipped yet, you can write to our customer support team on support@savvyy.in.
  • In such cases, the order will be cancelled, and the money will be refunded to you within 24-48 business hours after the cancellation request is duly processed by us.
  • In case of cancellation once the shipment has already been dispatched or if it is being returned, we process the refund once the products have been received and verified at our warehouse.
  • For payments done through credit/debit cards or net banking, the refund will be processed to the same account from which the payment was made within 24-48 business hours of us receiving the products back. It may take 2-3 additional business days for the amount to reflect in your account.
  • For cash on delivery transactions, we will initiate a bank transfer against the refund amount against the billing details shared by you. This process will be completed within 24-48 business hours of us receiving the products back and your bank details on email. It will take an additional 2-3 business days for the amount to reflect in your account.

Return & Exchange Policy

  • Savvyy offers its customers an ’Easy return and exchange policy. You can raise an exchange request for a product within 7 days of its delivery and a return request within 7 days. We also accept a partial return where you can raise a return request for one or all products in your order.
Here is how you can return and exchange the products
  • Step 2: Provide us with your order ID details and your request to return/replace/refund your order. Kindly email an image of the product and the invoice for our reference. 
  • Step 3: We will pick up the products within 2-4 business days. We will start the refund or replacement process only if the products are received by us in their original packaging, with their seals, labels and barcodes intact. 
  • In case of a return/replacement/refund, we process the refund once the products have been received and verified at our warehouse. 
  • For payments done through credit/debit cards or net banking, the refund will be processed to the same account from which the payment was made within 24-48 business hours of us receiving the products back. It may take 2-3 additional business days for the amount to reflect in your account. 
  • For cash on delivery transactions, we will initiate a bank transfer against the refund amount against the billing details shared by you. This process will be completed within 24-48 business hours of us receiving the products back and your bank details on email. It will take an additional 2-3 business days for the amount to reflect in your account. 
  • Only exchange for a different size is available. 
  • Limited by pin codes. 
  • Our delivery agent will deliver the new item and simultaneously pick up the original item from you. 
  • Because of the intimate nature and hygienic standards of certain items, we regret that it is not possible for us to accept returns on Briefs, Panties, Stick-On Bras and pasties.
  • We only ask that you don't use the product and preserve its original condition, tags, and packaging. You are welcome to try on a product but please take adequate measure to preserve its condition. 
  • All items to be returned or exchanged must be unused and in their original condition with all original tags and packaging intact.
  • In the interests of hygiene, we reserve the right to refuse returns if the item has been worn, washed, or soiled. 
  • Products that are sold as packs cannot be returned as individual items. 
  • Gift wrapping charges will not be refunded if goods are returned. Also, we will not be able to gift wrap any replacements you have asked for.
  • There are two ways to return the product to us: 
  • Pick up: In most locations, we offer a free pick-up service. You will see a pickup option when you submit a return request. 
  • Self-Ship: If we don't offer a pick up at your location, we request you to self-ship the product to us. In such cases, we will credit your account in lieu of the shipping costs.